You can follow some of the things that they are doing on our school Facebook page.
The school doors open at 8:35am and school finishes at 3:10pm for EYFS and KS1 and 3.15pm for KS2.
Registration is from 8.35am to 8.45am.
Morning Playtimes
Children have a morning break, including a healthy snack of fruit, from 10.30am – 10.45am. Children in EYFS have access to their separate outdoor area throughout the whole day.
The children have lunch at 12:10pm - 1.10pm. Dolce Schools Catering Ltd can provide a hot meal or packed lunch, these can be booked online at Dolce Schools Catering Ltd
Alternatively, they may bring a home packed lunch.
Drop off and collection
At the beginning and end of the school day parents are welcomed onto the playground. This helps to build a close relationship between home and school - we want to have good links with all parents. If normal arrangements for drop-off or collection need to be altered, e.g. you are delayed, or another person is collecting your child, please let us know as this avoids any confusion or upset. Parents of Reception Class, please drop and collect your child from the Green Gates, on the left as you walk up School Lane.
Getting to School
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it's healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, we have bike racks.
If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely and respectively of the village residents.
House Teams
All children are allocated a house team. During the school year they are given opportunities to earn house points through outstanding learning, inter-house games and sports day. The winning house will achieve the coveted house cup, which is proudly displayed in our medals cabinet in foyer.